Monday, July 20, 2009


Why would the president of the U.S. want to talk with the Pope? Obama just did. Bush went to meet John Paul II before him. Many presidents have met with and received counsel from Popes throughout our history as a nation. Is that blurring the separation between church and state? Are they just being diplomatic or do you think they really understand who the Pope represents? And do they really care about what the Pope might have to say about the problems and issues that we face as a world and as a nation?

Hopefully our president(s) pay(s) attention to the counsel, the wisdom, and the truth that our Pope holds. Hopefully also leaders of state throughout the world recognize that our Pope speaks from a faithful position that is more than just another opinion or a political agenda. From the time of Christ, our Popes have been the compassion, truth, forgiveness, and voice of Jesus is this world. Our Pope doesn't just spout off another slant on an issue. He takes into consideration the words of the Scriptures, and the faithful teachings and interpretations of God's Word through the centuries since Jesus Christ.

Are Popes human? Of course they are. Have Popes made mistakes? Yes they have. But they have also asked forgiveness for the sins of our Church. Also, throughout history our Church has been the moral compass for the World thanks to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Over the next few Sundays the Church gives us readings about Jesus being the Bread of Life (John 6). This weekend we hear the story of Jesus feeding thousands of people with a few volunteered loaves and fish. The people were coming to Him because they were physically and spiritually hungry. He took care of their hunger pangs first and then fed them with what they really needed. This whole chapter from the Gospel of John is about the Eucharist and what we really need to satisfy us.

In a World where people are starving and malnourished physically, morally, and spiritually maybe each of us need to realizes that there is only One who really feeds us.

Please feel free to comment as you like on these thoughts of mine.

Fr. Chuck

P.S. I'll be gone next week and may not be home until past the deadline for the following week too. So this may be my last update until around August 10th. Thanks for all of the feedback that you have given me so far. Even if you are reading this and not "following" or commenting on it, I'm glad to provide a little spiritual encouragement.

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