Saturday, December 29, 2012

Holy Family

This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. The readings tell us of the first Holy Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus but they also remind us that we are the family of God.

In his address to the families who had lost family members in the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, President Obama mentioned that the nation hurts and grieves with those who had had relatives killed because their children and loved ones were our children and loved ones as well. St. John says as much when he writes, “see what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called children of God.” We are connected to all others in the world by the love of God. And we are connected divinely to those who have gone before us through the Communion of Saints. As we prepare to make New Year’s resolutions let us each make a vow to God and ourselves to be more inclusive and respectful of others since we are connected to them by the grace of God.

(Here's something I found online that I think may be helpful to you who have children:

HERE are seven ways parents can teach their children to know God and cultivate a “holy family.”

1. God is love. God as love will only begin to make sense to our children when they experience loving and being loved in their daily lives.
2. Through prayer. Help your children know and acknowledge their true feelings, because we pray best when we pray honestly from the heart.
3. In service to others. Children have a natural sense of justice that can be used to help them learn compassion and thus deepen their relationship with God through serving those around them.
4. In scripture. Make it a habit to discuss the scripture readings before or after Mass.
5. In nature. Some children learn best experientially, which often means being out in nature and experiencing up close the glory of God’s handiwork.
6. God is on your side. It’s important for our children to know that God is their greatest ally in discovering their true path in life and achieving the good through their unique gifts.
7. God forgives. Give your children a taste of God’s forgiveness by raising them in a home where both accountability and forgiveness flow freely.
–Tom McGrath
Adapted from Seven truths your children should know about God (and how you can teach them) (TrueQuest Communications, 2003)
Fr. Chuck

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