When I look at the readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent (Baruch 5:1-9, Philippians 1:4-6,8-11, & Luke 3:1-6) two images come into my mind. Both are images of emptiness, yet hopefulness.
I remember as a kid getting ready for Halloween. First I'd get my costume on. My favorite was dressing up like a tramp. I'd put charcoal on my face to look like a beard and get a bunch of Dad's old work clothes to wear. It didn't take much work to dress like a tramp. The most important part of the preparation, no matter what the costume, was finding a bag for the treats that I was going to get. I'd get two old pillow cases and put one inside the other. I'd use double bags to prevent leaks and therefore no lost bounty. Then I'd call my friends to see where the meeting point was going to be so we could scavenge the neighborhood together, and then I'd leave the house with an empty sack (but not empty for long).
The second image I have for these Advent readings is decorating for Christmas. I usually don't decorate my house until sort of late. Two weeks before Christmas is my goal. Some folks have had their decorations up for well over a month before I start dragging mine out of the attic. I have a collection of nativity sets from all over the place. Folks have given me some of them. Others I have bought when I travelled to Israel, Mexico, Guatemala, etc. I got a lot from a store called Just Creations in Louisville. The store sells items from third world countries as sort of a co-op with the poor in those countries. I put these nativity scenes all over the house to remind me that the reason for Christmas is Christ, and that he came for everyone in the world, not just me, us, or a select group of folks. I also put up a Christmas tree. And when I put it up it is usually barren underneath. By the time Christmas Day rolls around underneath the tree fills up. I look forward, just like all kids do, when the I get to rip through the gift wrap, the bags, and the envelopes to see what is inside.
Why do these two images remind me of the Advent readings? Just like my empty trick or treat bag and my barren Christmas tree bottom, the readings have us anticipating what is going to be filled. Baruch tells us to throw off our sad rags and put on our party clothes. God is about to bring us justice, mercy, and glory. St. Paul prays to God that our capacity to love may grow more and more. He anticipates that the good work that God began in us will grow to fulfillment. In the Gospel John the Baptist comes on the scene. We'll here more from him next week, but he enters our Advent this week. His preaching and forgiving prepares for the the coming of the real Savior who has come into the World.
Advent is about emptiness; but an emptiness with a hoped for fulfillment. John the Baptist is not the Messiah, but we know that Jesus is not far down the street. St. Paul and the Prophet Baruch see the potential that we are capable of with God's involvement with us.
Advent is about prayer. May we pray these next few weeks with a purpose. As we enter our prayer time it will do us a lot of good to recognize the places in our hearts, minds and lives are empty. We may also find it helpful to pray about emptying our minds, our hearts, and our lives from some of the clutter that busies us. Next invite God into that empty place. I promise God can do a lot with a little bit of space.
Fr. Chuck
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