Friday, January 9, 2015

Dive In!

I've secretly hoped that the Church would change the wording of the Ritual for Baptism. The rite is okay the way it is, BUT I wish it included one other line before an adult or infant is baptized. Right after the questions about what we believe to be baptized Catholic Christians, and after the minister asks the parents or the person about to be baptized, "Is it your will to (or, that your child) be baptized in the Faith that you have just professed?"; I wish that the person to be baptized would yell, "CANNON BALL!" Then the person would be baptized "in the Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Actually, I've tried to coach children and others to yell "CANNON BALL!" when they enter the Baptismal pool. In thirty-three and one half years, so far, I've gotten no takers. For you see Baptism is about making a splash!

Jesus had to be a learner prior to His Baptism in the Jordan. He learned the practices of His faith from Mary, Joseph and His extended family. He and His family attended synagogue and traveled to Jerusalem for the different High Holy Days throughout His years of growing up. He probably learned carpentry from Joseph as well as how to read the Torah and pray the Jewish rituals that He was taught. I'm also sure that He was aware of some growing knowledge that He was also the Son of God and what that meant. Some of the unused gospels of ancient times picture Jesus as performing miracles for His childhood friends, like making pigeons out of clay and sending them off alive and flying. But before His Baptism there is not a lot of real evidence that Jesus taught, healed or ministered in any other way. He had no disciples and even was probably was a disciple of His cousin John the Baptist.

His Baptism changed His life. After He was baptized He rapidly became immersed in a life of service to God. He was able to tell Satan who He was and who His Father was in the temptation scene following His Baptism. He then began gathering disciples, healing the sick, caring for God's people, expelling demons, speaking God's Good News and Kingdom, and confronting those whom opposed the Truth of His Divine purpose. After His Baptism He became the Messiah and Christ completely.

Pope Francis is asking all of us to "jump in" to living our Baptismal calling as well. The world is starving for compassion, healing and truth telling. We are God's only ministers capable of loving, forgiving, and speaking God's Good News in this time we are here. When we were baptized we were issued a Mission from God. Be God's Body on the Earth. Now is the time for us to love those in our world as Christ would love them.

Are you willing to live your faith in the ways that our world and our God needs you? Can you be bold enough to look into this needy pool called God's Earth and yell, "CANNON BALL!"?

Peace and Blessings!
Fr. Chuck

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