Friday, September 26, 2014

The Bucket List

Since the movie about a couple of old geezers trying to get in all that they could before their deaths hit the big screen, Bucket Lists have been a big thing. A lot of people are coming up with lists of activities that they wish to accomplish before they die. I even overheard a kindergartener in the school lunchroom say to a friend, "That's on my bucket list!" Now, honestly, I did not hear the context of the conversation that the friends were having. They could have been talking about being able to spell their names or making it to first grade. But, why would a kindergartener want to ever think about things that they would want to do before they "kick the bucket"?

In a way, a similar scene is painted for us in this weekend's Gospel parable. Jesus tells the story of two sons who are asked by their dad to work on the farm for him. One says, "No can do, Pops!" The other says, "I'll be right there!" The one who said he would work never showed. The naysayer, instead, rethinks his decision and then helps his father. Jesus gets His listeners to make the connection between saying you're faithful and actually being faithful. Some of the Pharisees and other religious leaders were good and talking about their faith, and even insisting that others practice their religion. They were also very good at not following through on their words. They had a list of things that faithful folks should do while they were still alive. But, seemed only to be concerned about the list of religious commands when it applied to how others were living them, or when it made them look better in others' eyes.

Today we are being called to be people of our word. As baptized folk we are brothers and sisters to everyone else made in the image and likeness of God. Do we treat them as brothers and sisters made in the divine image? All of them? Do we treat ourselves like we are made in His image and as temples of the Holy Spirit? Do we say we are faithful people but make up excuses and rationalizations about why we shouldn't have to tell the truth, respect the property of others, keep the Sabbath holy, be chaste, etc.? Are virtuous things and activities that can deepen our faith or serve God and others on our personal bucket lists? Do we have a course set as to how to accomplish them? Are we sticking to that course?

I'm sure, like me, you have successes and failures in all of these regards and goals. Some days I am very good at being the Catholic Christian man that I profess (in fact am ordained) to be. Some days I am pitifully miserable. The good news about this weekend's Gospel parable is that the son who at first failed is the one who is commended by Jesus. He did the will of the father after first saying no to him.

God is a God of second, third, fourth and more chances. He never tires of forgiving us and asking us to try again please. And while we may have God's concerns, commands, and people on the periphery of our bucket lists, we are certainly on His bucket list (though He will never "kick the bucket"). He loves us and wants us to be with Him for eternity.

Fr. Chuck

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